You have 14 days to make a return. The item(s) must be in their original condition and packaging, in no case must the shoes have been worn.

In this case the different steps are as follows:

  • Put the item(s) in the packaging sent to you or in a postal package that you can purchase at the post office.
  • Attach the invoice which was sent to you by email, or to download into your VO7 customer account (specify that it is a size exchange or a refund. Without indication the order will not be processed.

Please contact customer service via your space or by email: to make your return.

Returns are free.


All returned items must be sent back perfectly intact. Upon receipt of the package, VO7 will judge the perfect condition of the returned merchandise.

No returns will be accepted if the returned items have been visibly used or damaged by the customer and this use or damage renders the items unfit.